Filming in Mauritius Island

When COVID-19 reached Mauritius in March 2020, the island went into immediate lockdown until 1st June 2020. Since the first 3 cases were confirmed, the pandemic has been controlled by strict lockdown, airport closure, and contact tracing, all the while preparing the hospitals, with certain hotels being changed into quarantine venues. Mauritius scored 100 in the Oxford University COVID-19 government response tracker. No new cases through local transmission have been detected since 26 April 2020. Whilst the airport is now open for certain limited travel for business and tourism, with a compulsory 14 day quarantine, the country has the pandemic under control with regulations in place such as social distancing and wearing of masks.

14 Days Quarantine.

Film crew coming to Mauritius must test prior to coming to Mauritius, and on arrival, are immediately tested, receive results within 12 hours, and must stay at designated quarantine hotels, for 14 days to ensure no COVID-19 is transmitted on the Island. After being tested on Day 0, Day 7, and Day 14, if results are still negative, crews are allowed to film anywhere on the island.