Identical Pictures works for Harley Davidson in Mauritius.
Harley Davidson recently organized the biggest bikers venue in Mauritius Island. More than 40 Harley owners joined together for a day-long road trip around the island. The trip started in the North, near the Anjalay Stadium, went through the Moka mountain range, the savanna-style Albion’s landscape and ended at Shanti Mauritius.

Kunal Jankee, one Identical Pictures photographer, followed the bikers group around the island and took some nice shots and recording of the event.
In the month to come, Identical Pictures will closely work with Harley Davidson on 3 main projects :
- a documentary about bike outriding experience in Mauritius.
- a high-end commercial for the Harley Davidson brand for the Mauritian market.
- a featured article for Harley’s day renting in the next Cool Escape book (and app) dedicated to Mauritius (more details on that soon)

This event had some pages in most Mauritian newspapers:

Bikers Venue: Motorcycle riders come from diverse backgrounds. What they all have in common regardless of their age, gender or ethnicity is that they are all freedom-loving, adventure-seeking individuals who aspire to the values. They welcome all who share these values and a desire to achieve their dreams and enjoy the world. These efforts are squarely on inspiring new riders who will one day carry the torch for our passion and the brand.
Source Harley Davidson Visit Website.